



windproof effect of house wrap



澳大利亚政府网站 Reardon 2013)报告说建筑物的防风性能是房屋节能保温方面面临的最大的问题:传统的典型建筑在冬季,会有大量的暖空气逸出,外部的冷空气进入; 在夏天,恰恰相反。

根据建筑科学公司网站(John Straube 2012)的说法,解决建筑的防风问题是建筑围护结构中第二重要的工作。除了雨水外,通过墙壁,屋顶和地板的潮湿气体也会对房屋的耐久性产生极大的破坏。不受控制的气流穿过外墙不仅会将湿气带入房屋结构内,导致霉菌和腐烂,而且它还浪费了很大一部分房屋的保温性能,并可能导致室内空气质量变差。

    坐落在悉尼西部的澳大利亚CSR机构进行的测试表明安装防水透气膜可以减少高达 82%. 空气渗透率。

澳大利亚CSR机构建筑科学家Jesse Clarke说:作为我们研究建筑物能源效率的一部分,我们用了一个实验来证明空气渗透对典型建筑物的节能影响在实验中,我们在压力实验室表面建造90mm的木质墙体。测试墙体有两个固定的窗户,用玻璃棉作保温层,10mm 石膏板,木材踢脚板和楣梁,一个电源点和一个灯开关。在没有防水透气膜的初始测试之后,在用防水透气膜包裹。同样的测试程序反复的测试表明使用防水透气膜的测试结果和这个数据(安装防水透气膜可以减少高达 82%的空气渗透率)是非常相似的。克拉克说:正确使用和安装防水透气膜可以有效起到防风效果,在提高能源效率方面发挥着非常重要的作用。防水透气膜不仅对建筑物的节能保温起着重要作用,而且还能限制潮湿空气通过墙壁进入建筑物,更能起到对建筑物墙壁防雨和防水的作用,甚至在大风的情况下。使用防水透气膜会大大提高建筑物的耐久性。


New study by CSRs Corporate Social Responsibility Building Science team demonstrates wall wrap can significantly improve the energy efficiency of home by reducing air infiltration.

Air infiltration and air leakage has been identified by The Building Science Corporation and the Australian Government as an important issue that needs to be addressed when building a home.

The Australian Government website (Chris Reardon 2013) reports air leaks are year-round issues: in winter, they allow valuable warm air to escape and unwanted external cold air to enter; in summer, the reverse occurs.

According to the Building Science Corporation website (John Straube 2012) Stopping air is the second most important job of a building enclosure.  Next to rain, air leaks through walls, roofs, and floors can have the most damaging effect on the durability of a house.  Uncontrolled airflow through the shell not only carries moisture into framing cavities, causing mould and rot, but it also can account for a huge portion of a homes energy use and can cause indoor-air-quality problems.

Testing carried out at the CSR Research Centre in Western Sydney demonstrated that installing wall wrap can reduce air infiltration by up to 82%. 

CSR Building Scientist Jesse Clarke explained, As part of our research into energy efficiency, we designed an experiment to determine the impact of air infiltration through a typical residential wall”.For the experiment, a 90mm timber stud wall was built on the face of a pressure chamber.  The test wall had two fixed windows, glass wool insulation, 10mm gyprock, timber skirting & architraves, one power point and one light switch.  After an initial test with no wall wrap, the wall was wrapped with Wall Wrap.  The same testing procedure was repeated using house wrap with very similar results.Clarke says, Properly installed and well-sealed air barrier wall wraps play a critical role in improving energy efficiency by restricting uncontrolled air leakage.  Not only are there benefits to the energy performance, but durability is improved by restricting humid air migrating into walls as well as more effective weatherproofing and drainage of wall systems, even in high wind scenarios.

Clarke concluded, Depending on the type of building construction, the air tightness and insulation levels of the building, and its climate zone, the selection of the right wall wrap is critical to ensure the energy efficiency and durability of a home.




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